Greenville, South Carolina

Housing in Greenville

The Greenville, South Carolina real estate market includes homes in Greenville County, plus parts of Spartanburg, Anderson, Pickens and Lauren’s counties. Typically, there are 5,000+ single family homes for sale in our area, with 1,000 of these being new/never lived-in properties. Expansion Management Magazine recently rated the Greenville real estate area as one of the top 25 housing markets in the nation.

Real estate in Greenville features a wide variety of choices, from traditional older neighborhoods, historical districts and suburban areas, to urban downtown living.

Greenville Neighborhoods

Communities Around Greenville:

Live In Greenville!

Within the city of Greenville itself, there are 39 parks, playgrounds, and recreation centers, including bike/jogging trails, a miniature golf course, shuffleboard and tennis courts, picnic shelters and ball fields — a total of 452 acres of park space in all!

Those who are looking for more information about the area may find the About Greenville page very useful.

If you are looking for more information or have any questions about housing in the area, please feel free to contact Brian O’Neill – “The Tattooed Agent,” your Greenville real estate agent.

If you are looking for more information or have any questions about housing in the area, please feel free to contact Brian O’Neill – “The Tattooed Agent,” your Greenville real estate agent.

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